Professional Product Shots are essential – right?
“Don’t judge a book by its cover!”
This is so true and wise. We are surprised when we look past the “cover” and discover things we never imagined. Nonetheless, have you ever wondered where the saying even comes from?
It’s really simple – people do not read books with boring or amateur covers, no matter how fantastic the actual pages… This is also true for your business.
- Studies have shown that your visitors remember only a 5th of what they read! The rest are things like pictures and visual hooks. People are judgmental, we’ve established that! The better your product shots look, the more you’ll sell.
- Are you doing business or is it your hobby? Your product shots will either boldly state that you’re here doing business and that people can buy quality things from you, or cause them to doubt your legitimacy and remain sceptical. You want to gain more customers, not scare them off.
- It is easier for people to buy tangible products. They get to hold it and test it. Once they experience their life with your product, it solidifies their need and they jump right onto the wagon. With online business, there are no tangible products to hold. Your product shots need to be so professional that it becomes tangible in their minds. Put them in the picture and they’ll put your product in their pockets.
But it’s not so easy to take these professional pics yourself, right?
To get the most bang for your buck, you want someone who understands what you see in your mind’s eye, someone who can recreate that for you!
- You should hire someone who has experience in taking product shots. Taking excellent portrait pictures will not automatically qualify a photographer as the perfect candidate; there is an art to taking professional and persuasive product shots. Find yourself a specialist.
- Ideally, you want someone who has experience with a similar product or industry.
- Don’t forget to look at samples and ideas. This not only helps you find the right photographer, but it also makes it so much simpler to explain what you have in mind.
It can be quite a mission to find the perfect match; we get that. That’s why we suggest you make it simple and cut out the drama and interviews, the uncertainty and checklists. Contact Mirror Marketing today for your product shots!