Get them to buy, don’t leave them hanging!
As you learned in my previous article, we were in the Magaliesberg mountains this week on a family holiday! Look at all of us…
The mountain part of our holiday has come to a close and the trip was fantastic. When you’re in the mountains you can’t stay in the resort, you must go hiking!
We love hiking…
The resort we visited has a hiking trail called the kudu trail. The path is clear and easy (until you really start the ascent, where it is quite a steep battle). Nonetheless, they had small yellow markers tied to trees that appeared often, to remind you that you are headed in the right direction.
To some this might sound strange, and to others, wonderful. The boys love to explore (and we did find our own way up the mountains the next day), but the ladies preferred a proper path!
These markers were everywhere, and if you looked ahead far enough, you would see where the path would take you next until we reached the top…
Obviously, we took a bit of a break, hydrated, and snacked, but we were off in no time. The chilling realisation hit us soon after: we were basically lost. There were not markers in sight. At all. Anywhere.
After wasting energy exploring our various options and routes, we stumbled upon a marker and made our way down – but we almost forged our own path home.
We weren’t the only ones (in case you think we’re just horrible hikers), the next day we met a couple who mentioned how they went through the exact same thing, at the exact same spot. You don’t want people’s conversations about you to sound like this!
What you should take from our experience
Our marketing excites prospects and it aims to get them to the peak of their ‘buying thresholds’. This is the moment where they want to pull out their wallets and make their way down. But, sometimes, we are excellent at exhorting them, and horrible at closing the deal. We end up losing them to our competition.
The path we strategically lay for all potential customers, should consider all levels of the sales cycle. You want them to ask questions – but in the end, you want them to buy!
Contact an expert – Mirror Marketing and we’ll help you turn trials into perfectly designed trails!
Leave a comment if you have anything to add – I’d love to hear from you 🙂