Target Marketing – Get the ball on the green
This weekend, on Sunday to be exact, my partner-in-crime and I got our golf on.
I love golf.
For those of you who have never played golf, I know that watching it may seem excruciatingly boring. But when you hit your first ball, you will never feel like that again! It is that addictive.
If you know nothing else about golf, the one thing you would know is what a golf ball looks like. Most of us have seen a golf ball before and most of the time the ball is white. Well, for the first time since we started playing together, we played with different color balls: Mine was white and hers was pink.
I hope she won’t be mad at me for telling the whole world about this, but she really had a tough time this weekend. It wasn’t her day at all! Most of her shots went horribly skew…
Being in Africa – which is where I live – the grass is a light brownish color (we call it the bushveld), especially the rough. In my mind, that was excellent, a blessing in disguise even. She had a pink ball, so how hard would it be to find amongst brown grass?
Boy, was I wrong…
The grass is clearly brown, up close. However, when you scan the horizon, it is a rainbow of colors. You see pink everywhere!
Research your target audience
This got me thinking about the importance of proper market research. When you employ marketing to spread the word of your company, who are you hoping to reach?
This is a critical question! For a golfer to find the ball, it has to be on the fairway. In the same way, if you want your perfect clients to find your company you have to hide in plain sight. Be where they are heading.
That is why we refer to it as a target market.
Find the marketing team, who knows how to research your ideal prospect. Who knows how to hook and engage with them.
You don’t want someone who drops the ball in the rough; you want them to place you in your client’s line of sight.
Contact Mirror Marketing today – the grass is greener this side
What are your thoughts about targeting an audience?
Leave me a comment, I’d love to hear from you!